We hope you have all connected with your mentor by now and are having great synergy. Here’s a fun round-up of data about this spring’s participants.
75% of the participants live in the United States, but the rest live around the world.

As we are an English-based program, everyone speaks English, but what else do they speak?

Since we are all in the language industry, many of us also speak third languages. Here are the most popular combinations from our linguistic data. Of these, the single most popular combination is French & Spanish, followed closely by the tied combinations of Arabic & French and Chinese & Korean.

Our work is applicable to a lot of industries. Here are the most popular industries for our participants. We gathered this data by asking for one word to describe the participant’s work, so the fact that the number who responded “LSP” does not denote how many participants work in LSPs. In fact, that number would actually rival tech if it was reported the same way.

Our participants have a variety of backgrounds. Here is a word cloud with all their current positions.

Breaking the above down to the basics, the most popular job titles are shown below.

We hope you enjoyed the demographic round up for next spring and will continue to support our program into the coming fall iteration.
2 thoughts on “Who Are the Participants of the Spring 2023 TILM Mentorship Program?”
I have been working with all of the 3 mentees that searching me as their mentor through this program on a weekly basis.
I have been enjoying my time with the 2 mentees. We’ve worked weekly or biweekly together on the process initially. They have achieved much that they wanted in the mentorship; that was getting started with RSI for one and finding jobs for the other (which really didn’t need much of my help). I learned things myself, so it has been a great experience. Cheers from Japan;)